
Walking for Art and Soul

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April 2017

As a self-employed artist, musician, and educator in the smack-dab middle of my life, it's time for another rite of passage.  My journey will take me on a 500-mile ancient pilgrimage walk called the Camino de Santiago. 

I will start in France at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains and end a month later with my feet blissfully soaking in the waters of the Atlantic in Finisterre, Spain. Along the way I will meet "pilgrims" from all over the world while hiking over mountains, and through Basque country, farmland, Medieval towns and an occasional modern city. I am excited to be inspired in new ways and to see how my art will grow from this experience.  As an artist inspiration is my fuel!     

Here is your chance to sponsor an artist that you know and love..."me".  Your donation will help cover my health insurance, art studio rental, and monthly bills while I am on my journey.  

On April 27, 2017, I will be flying to France with a backpack full of gear and a joyful heart.  My fundraising campagin will be fast and fruitful. It will end on April 25, 2017.  

Your support means the world to me!  It  will enable me to realize the dream of my art "walkabout" which has been in the  planning for three years.  Your donation, be it $5.00 or $500.00 is deeply appreciated and honored. To show my appreciation, you will receive an art gift that I have created espeicallly for my sponsors.

"feel the spirit of those who have gone before you

Imagine those who will follow you

Appreciate those who walk with you today"

 -Spirit of the Camino-

Thank you for walking with me!

Love to you and through you,
                                                                Rachel Ann Cross